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We know that local governments staff and elected officials are in an ever faster moving dance of trying to address needs of local residents, figure out what the best solutions is…. yesterday, hold together the interests of countless stakeholders, and all while knowing that “the city” is far more complex than people would ever imagine. Bringing in arts and culture into local policies and local planning processes may seem outside of “normal operating procedure”. It can also be one of the most powerful moves a city can do to engage citizens, find innovative solutions, and bring in broad network of partnerships that are essential for the creation of strong and vibrant communities. We can help develop the policies, evaluation frameworks, and engagement plans that can help to meet these needs.

Featured Project | Capital Metro →



Arts and cultural organizations that work at the intersection of community and municipal institutions know that translating between the needs, values, and priorities of the communities they work with and “city speak” can be challenging. Civic Arts advises arts groups in the development of civics strategies and action plans, helping to translate emergent ideas from socially engaged practice into actionable strategies and conversations in a local government context.

Featured Project | Las Imaginistas →

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Working in community development context often means long hours and tight budgets - and yet it’s all done with a passion to serve. Often arts and culture can seem like exactly the opposite direction from the regulatory, or community development metrics that are at the foundation of the work. And yet, there’s the suspicion that arts and culture could and should play a bigger role in the organization. We help local community organizations develop action plans, equitable evaluation Frameworks, and identify partners needed to integrate arts and culture strategies into the work of your organization.

Featured Project | Foundation Communities →