What We've Achieved

  • Created the Exploring Our Town creative placemaking webportal for the National Endowment of the Arts

  • Worked with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) to develop Evaluation Plans for community development organizations across the country.

  • Created the ArtPlace America funded Drawing Lines Project in partnership with the City of Austin.

  • Supported numerous artists and arts organization to have direct roles in municipal projects.

  • Worked with Austin area youth to identify local challenges and create art in response to those challenges.

  • Developed cultural arts master plans for small and mid-sized cities across the United States.

  • Completing a three year study with Forklift Danceworks on how arts organizations create civic capacity (funded by the National Endowment for the Arts).

Thank you.
Thank you for the work.
Thank you for the chance to share my ideas.
Thank you for the experience. It was such a pleasure working with you.
Thank you for the most fun and satisfying time on a creative job in my entire career.
You’ve set a new standard.
You rock.
— Claudia Weigelsberger, artist, Calgary, CA