GRMN Creates
An arts and culture road map for the city of Grand Rapids, MN
Project Overview
The people of Grand Rapids, MN, can proudly say that their city is home to a rich and vibrant arts community. To ensure the city’s continued growth and success, the City’s newly formed Arts and Culture Commission embarked upon a ten-year strategic planning effort called GRMN Creates: an Arts and Culture Road Map.
Civic Arts worked in tandem with Metris Arts Consulting, a firm based in Eaton, Pennsylvania, to identify local needs and opportunities, then helped the commission to match residents’ ideas with best practices from across the country on how similarly sized have used the arts to grow their economies, enhance their physical environments, and support community development. Civic Arts designed and implemented a citywide public engagement strategy, including town hall meetings, a detailed online survey, focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and social/print media outreach.
Project Location
Services Provided
Policy Analysis • Policy Strategy Recommendations • Survey Creation • Community Engagement • Social/Print Media Coordination • Report Writing • Focus Groups and Town Halls • Stakeholder Interviews